Nibbler SEO audit for


The overall score for this website.


How accessible the website is to mobile and disabled users.

The following tests contribute to this score:


How satisfying the website is likely to be for users.


How well marketed, and popular the website is.


How well designed and built the website is.

Nibbler tested a sample of 5 pages from this website at 22:30 on 1 May 2024 (BST).

Top priorities for website improvement

  • Check how the website looks using a mobile and a tablet. Consider adding mobile-only styling using media queries. Some websites employ other techniques for mobile visitors which we cannot currently detect. (read more)
  • Consider a leading website analytics solution, such as WebTrends or Google Analytics. (read more)
  • Define meaningful headings for all webpages. This is likely to help this website's search engine placement and assist visitors in navigating content. (read more)


This website does not appear to be associated with a Twitter account.

  • This website did not contain a link to Twitter.
    • Sign up for a Twitter account and make sure it is linked to from your site.


0% of pages use analytics

No Analytics SolutionNo

  • None of this website is using any recognised analytics software. It is still possible to gather a great deal of information from webserver logs, however complete visitor analysis requires client-side Javascript or an image not found here.
    • Consider a leading website analytics solution, such as WebTrends or Google Analytics.
  • Note that this test can only detect recognised analytics solutions. If an analytics solution is new, obscure or used in a non-standard way (e.g. it has been customised) it may not be detected.


  • No pages were found to be using defined headings. This means that users and search engines may find it harder to determine the content of this website's page. Correctly defined headings aid accessibility and are particularly important for search engine optimisation.
    • Define meaningful headings for all webpages. This is likely to help this website's search engine placement and assist visitors in navigating content.


0% of pages are optimised for printing


Mobile screenshot of www.xelu.netTablet screenshot of
  • None of this website appears to be fully optimised for viewing on a mobile or tablet (using CSS media queries). It is important to make sure your content can be viewed easily across a wide range of devices as a growing percentage of web browsing is now done on phones and tablets.

URL format3.6

  • 4 URLs are 'dirty'. 'Dirty' URLs include one or more parameters after a question mark (e.g., instead of a clean URL (e.g. Dirty URLs should generally be avoided wherever possible - they are almost impossible for human beings to remember, may expose the technology of the website to hackers and can confuse search engines among other problems. Their use is sometimes necessary for specific applications, and acceptable in small amounts.
  • 4 URLs include a file extension.

Amount of content7.2

Rendering Chart...

  • This website has an average of 511 words per page. The amount of content on a website has been shown to correlate with its search engine ranking.
    • Consider the amount of text on this website and increase it if appropriate.
  • One page of this website has very little content (20 words or less).
    • Ensure all pages have a sufficient amount of content.

Page titles8.0

80% of pages have defined titles

0% of page titles are weak

  • One page does not specify a title. Page titles appear in search results and at the top of the browser's window when visiting the site. Appropriate page titles are particularly important for search engine optimisation.
    • Make sure that all pages have a title in the head of the document.

Meta tags8.0

  • 80.0% of pages have a description meta tag. The description meta data is important as it appears on Google's search result pages.
    • Make sure that all the pages of this website include a meta description. If you don't include one, Google will choose a sample of text from the page to appear in the search engine result. By including a meta description, you can control how your search engine result will appear.

      Pages with no meta description

Meta Tags (name attribute)

Page URLNameContent, Xavier, Vilardell, Bascompte, Tona, Osona, Catalunya, informatica, jocs, taula, jocs de taula, boardgames, caylus, aventureros al tren, catan, puerto rico, thurn und Taxis, power grid, alhambra, die macher, carcassonne, ciudadelas, cittadels, risk, railroad tycoon, alhambra, richelieu, portobelo market, tikal, fotos, fotografies, photos, londres, Paris, bretanya, verona, venecia, florencia, aiguestortes, siena, roma, cordoba, antequera, zoo de barcelona, navarra, oxford, el vatica, donostia, bruseles, amsterdam, pisa, sant giminiano, mont sant michelle, selva negra, alemanya, dinamarca, tivoli, eclipsi de lluna, portafoli, la revistona, centre de formacio permanent osona sud, bitworks, allotjament web, disseny web, disseny grafic, hosting, manteniment informatic, flyers, cartells, programacio web, bases de dades, materials educatius, matematiques, eso, geso, proves acces, cicles formatius grau mitja, grau superior, acces a la universitat majors 25 anys, majors 45 anys, receptes de cuina, rutes, osonateca, bars osona, restaurants osona, tastaosona, nyam, salut i teca és un web en constant evolució i experimentació. Va començar sent la meva pàgina personal, però ja fa temps que no és així. Aquesta web és propietat de tots aquells que l'anem construint cada dia, aportant receptes de cuina, fotos dels nostres viatges, visions molt personals dels problemes de la vida en el fòrum... S'ha convertit en un espai participatiu en el més pur estil de la web 2.0. Queda molta feina per fer i mai es té prou temps per fer tota la que es voldria fer. Tots i així, el projecte que va néixer l'estiu del 2007 creix i ja no només amb l'esforç de les meves dues mans: ara ja té 25 pares i mares que en la mesura que poden van posant el seu gra de sorra per fer de una web més gran, més interessant i canviant cada dia. Passeu, remeneu, participeu, critiqueu, llegiu, aporteu, mireu... D'això és del que es tracta i només ho tens a un clic de distància! Vilardell Bascompte - Bitworks, Xavier, Vilardell, Bascompte, Tona, Osona, Catalunya, informatica, jocs, taula, jocs de taula, boardgames, caylus, aventureros al tren, catan, puerto rico, thurn und Taxis, power grid, alhambra, die macher, carcassonne, ciudadelas, cittadels, risk, railroad tycoon, alhambra, richelieu, portobelo market, tikal, fotos, fotografies, photos, londres, Paris, bretanya, verona, venecia, florencia, aiguestortes, siena, roma, cordoba, antequera, zoo de barcelona, navarra, oxford, el vatica, donostia, bruseles, amsterdam, pisa, sant giminiano, mont sant michelle, selva negra, alemanya, dinamarca, tivoli, eclipsi de lluna, portafoli, la revistona, centre de formacio permanent osona sud, bitworks, allotjament web, disseny web, disseny grafic, hosting, manteniment informatic, flyers, cartells, programacio web, bases de dades, materials educatius, matematiques, eso, geso, proves acces, cicles formatius grau mitja, grau superior, acces a la universitat majors 25 anys, majors 45 anys, receptes de cuina, rutes, osonateca, bars osona, restaurants osona, tastaosona, nyam, salut i teca Vilardell Bascompte - Bitworks secció va de jocs. I concretament va de jocs de taula. Catan, Caylus, Puerto Rico, Carcassonne i Ciudadelas són només els noms d'uns quants jocs que ens han fet passar a més d'un hores i hores enganxats a la cadira. Aquesta secció va, en el fons, de compartir les experiències de joc, de parlar de les normes, de fer variacions, de provar jocs nous... Atreveix-te a endinsar-te en aquest món, però vigila, que igual hi quedes enganxat..., Xavier, Vilardell, Bascompte, Tona, Osona, Catalunya, informatica, jocs, taula, jocs de taula, boardgames, caylus, aventureros al tren, catan, puerto rico, thurn und Taxis, power grid, alhambra, die macher, carcassonne, ciudadelas, cittadels, risk, railroad tycoon, alhambra, richelieu, portobelo market, tikal, fotos, fotografies, photos, londres, Paris, bretanya, verona, venecia, florencia, aiguestortes, siena, roma, cordoba, antequera, zoo de barcelona, navarra, oxford, el vatica, donostia, bruseles, amsterdam, pisa, sant giminiano, mont sant michelle, selva negra, alemanya, dinamarca, tivoli, eclipsi de lluna, portafoli, la revistona, centre de formacio permanent osona sud, bitworks, allotjament web, disseny web, disseny grafic, hosting, manteniment informatic, flyers, cartells, programacio web, bases de dades, materials educatius, matematiques, eso, geso, proves acces, cicles formatius grau mitja, grau superior, acces a la universitat majors 25 anys, majors 45 anys, receptes de cuina, rutes, osonateca, bars osona, restaurants osona, tastaosona, nyam, salut i teca Vilardell Bascompte - Bitworks secció va de cuina. Les receptes estan classificades per amanides, arrossos, carns, entrants, llegums, pastes, peixos, postres, sopes, verdures, vins i restaurants. Aquí s'hi pot trobar des de les amanides més fàcils fins als plats més el·laborats de la cuina tradicional de tota la vida. Va de menjar pretén ser un lloc on centralitzar receptes, on descobrir coses noves, on experimentar, on crear, on evolucionar... Perquè la cuina és així. Qui va inventar la recepta de la crema catalana? Hi ha una única manera de fer-la? Podrem amb tot això? Segur que si!, Xavier, Vilardell, Bascompte, Tona, Osona, Catalunya, informatica, jocs, taula, jocs de taula, boardgames, caylus, aventureros al tren, catan, puerto rico, thurn und Taxis, power grid, alhambra, die macher, carcassonne, ciudadelas, cittadels, risk, railroad tycoon, alhambra, richelieu, portobelo market, tikal, fotos, fotografies, photos, londres, Paris, bretanya, verona, venecia, florencia, aiguestortes, siena, roma, cordoba, antequera, zoo de barcelona, navarra, oxford, el vatica, donostia, bruseles, amsterdam, pisa, sant giminiano, mont sant michelle, selva negra, alemanya, dinamarca, tivoli, eclipsi de lluna, portafoli, la revistona, centre de formacio permanent osona sud, bitworks, allotjament web, disseny web, disseny grafic, hosting, manteniment informatic, flyers, cartells, programacio web, bases de dades, materials educatius, matematiques, eso, geso, proves acces, cicles formatius grau mitja, grau superior, acces a la universitat majors 25 anys, majors 45 anys, receptes de cuina, rutes, osonateca, bars osona, restaurants osona, tastaosona, nyam, salut i teca Vilardell Bascompte - Bitworks secció va de música. Es tracta de recomanar, de criticar, d'explicar, de transmetre... Molts hem crescut escoltant la música que escoltaven els nostres germans grans o els nostres pares. Fem que ara també puguem seguir creixent escoltant la música que se'ns recomana a Obrim la nostra ment a noves propostes, igual ens sorprèn i tot!

Meta Tags (http-equiv attribute)

Page URLNameContent; charset=utf-8; charset=;URL=index2.php?idioma=catala; charset=utf-8; charset=utf-8; charset=utf-8


95% of images have a clearly defined size

116 images are being resized by the browser

Server behaviour8.4

Yes404 page



Last updated May 1, 2024

  • It looks like this website was last updated on Wednesday, 1 May 2024. This is good because visitors perceive up-to-date websites as more credible. Websites that are updated regularly are also spidered by search engines more often.
  • To find this information we used the last modified dates reported by this website's server in addition to looking for dates written on each page.

All dates found

01/05/ text
21/04/ text
06/06/ text
26/03/ text
15/07/ text
30/12/ text
01/05/ text
13/11/ text
12/04/ text
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03/01/ text
01/05/ text
16/04/ text
11/04/ text
10/04/ text
02/02/ text
23/01/ text
01/05/ text
01/03/ modified header
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01/03/ modified header
01/03/ modified header
01/03/ modified header
01/03/ modified header
01/03/ modified header
01/03/ modified header
01/03/ modified header
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19/09/ modified header
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11/02/ modified header
07/02/ modified header


  • Sorry, it was not possible to determine the popularity for this website.

Source: Ahrefs

Domain agei

  • Sorry, we cannot check the domain age of .net websites.

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Lead generationNoEmbed on your site
Competitor auditsNoYes
Test as a batchNoYes
Integrations + APINoYes
Multi-lingualNo20+ languages
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